Tag Archives: skateboarding

The What…a new clothing line worth checking out

17 Sep

I feel like a lot of inspiration for my blog posts comes from people that I know; local artists, talents, musicians, etc. Yeah, I like helping my friends out, but I also strongly support what these people are doing. Today’s post is going to be centered on a new clothing company called The What. The reason I’m really digging The What is because the clothing inspiration is drawn from art. In a lot of ways, The What reminds me of that clothing company S. O. Terik (I did a post on them too).

Two of my friends from Marist have apparently taken matters into their own hands and started up their own clothing company called The What. Many people may not think it’s realistic for people my age to successfully start their own business, but I think these two guys nailed it. Coming from two guys who I honestly thought had awesome style at school, they know what’s in and what’s not. Think bright colors, crazy tshirts, and the most ridiculous sneaker collections you’ve ever seen. I’m assuming a lot of inspiration from The What was drawn from their own styles, and it’s working.

So first, visit the website… http://thewhatnewyork.com/ . You can view what they’re selling thus far (tshirts and stickers), but expect more. They currently have ‘Season 1’ shirts for sale but will create more for each season. I looked in their “About” section and found some other information. The What was established in 2010 and draws inspiration from 1988 to today. It is a New York mentality brand with roots in hip hop, skateboarding, snowboarding, and art ranging from graffiti to photography. Their garments are high quality and can be ordered online (with free shipping). On their site, they promise to keep their consumers updated on what’s happening with their brand, culture, and what the future holds (this information was taken from their website).

The What is a unique company that combines style with art in many forms. I believe this company has a lot of potential and just needs to get the word out. Tell your friends and family. Visit the website. Order online and get yourself fresh. Spread the love and spread The What.